LIL’ DEATH is gonna be my next resin toy, due out in march, a friendly skull faced witch, appeared on Hollow Threat poster! Here’s a little walk through of my process of making this toy…enjoy! ;-)
Did a real size sketch of Lil’ Death, i’ve spiked side view and back view drawings, it’s all in my head in 3D hehe, and I make a base shape with foil paper, that saved heaps of super sculpey….
Super sculpey outside the foil base & prepare the face template…
Once the face area is traced, i make the face pop out a little, also rounded…
Trace and refine some face detail using the template…
follow the lines, start sculpting the face…
Create eyes and nose template from previous template…
Align and drop down the eyes, nose lines…
And then mouth, freehand sketch the nose and mouth details, they are too small to build a template…
I use a lino cutter to sculpt the mouth, this is probably the trickiest and most time consuming stage for me…
Nose added after mouth shaped properly, and his face is done!
Start adding clay around the face, make it taller than the face, so it looks like hes inside the rope…